HOLA. I am currently living in Concord, North Carolina and would love to speak with you one-on-one if you have any questions or comments about these new opportunities on this journey to Peru.

I am a nanny/tutor 4 days a week so I stay busy- but I would love to keep in touch!

Cell- (980)621-6709

Email- crystalina1289@aol.com

or find me on Facebook.


If you are interested in joinging the monthly partnership or give a gift to help meet the financial needs to stay in Peru visit our website https://www.pioneers.org/ and click on give. Enter name crystal snow and account number 111730.


Or you can send the donation to the Pioneers address in Florida: (make checks out to pioneers. put "crystal snow" on it)


10123 William Carey Dr.
Orlando, FL 32832


