
the trip into the jungle **july-aug

10/05/2013 10:02

Living on the River

July29-Aug 3, 2013

THE JOURNEY. Our day began at 4:15AM. we jumped out of bed excited for our jungle adventures yet little did we know that the lesson for today was about waiting on the Lord. Our taxis were an hour late. Once they arrived, we drove down curvy roads for an hour and a half. Finally we got to a little village on the river,but the boats that we had arranged to take us to sinchi rocha (our destination village) were no where to be found... so we sat and waited. And waited. And waited. After about 2 hours, We concluded that the boats would not come for a while, so we decided to have some fun :). We swam in the river, we had a picnic lunch, we went on a hike, and I napped in a hammock. Still with no sign of the boats and dinner quickly approaching, the missionary wives (Janet and Nichole) and I walked into a near by town to buy dinner. Finally, around 540pm the boats arrived. Twelve of us carefully put our luggage and bags onto 2 tiny canoe boats called “pecki-pecki” placing all of our trust in this native stranger steering from the back with a tiny boat motor. We rode for about 2 and a half hours (only having to get out and help push a few times since we got stuck the shallow water). Around 845PM in the pitch black we heard the boat motor cut off and we knew that we had finally arrived to Sinchi Rocha.

KIDS GAMES. Each morning (after our 6AM wake up song from Leo, our missionary leader) we would eat granola with milk, and the men would head off to the jungles to carry large logs for our house building project. We females did not carry logs or build, instead we did help clear limbs and branches from cutting projects. We spent most of our day keeping the fire going, making lunch and dinner, washing dishes, visiting sick women in the village, doing laundry in the river, and playing with the children. After lunch, we would wash off in the river, and begin our “kids games”. We had a Bible stories( the 7 days of creation and Jesus calming the seas), memory verses (starting the foundation of who God is), songs with motions in spanish, games (tag, soccer, hula- hooping,volleyball, catch) and snacks(cookies and soda).

THE CHILDREN. These village children were by far my favorite aspect of the trip- one I will never forget. They would arrive at our house around 7AM and would stay until dark. If we went to the river, they went to the river. When we went on a walk to take water to the hard working guys, they went on a walk to see the hard working guys. At first they walked behind us watching our every move, but by the end of day our smiles and consistent “holas” showed them that we were friendly strangers.

I made many friends and forgot many names. But one thing is for sure, I will never forget their little faces the he way my heart melted when they smiled at me... it was the same warm feeling you get when you get your whole family together at Christmas or when your pulling into your neighborhood from a long trip... the feeling of knowing that your whole life has been leading up to his point and all those trials and struggles you faced were to help you get right here to these kids.

THE CHURCH. Sinchi Rocha is one of the only “reached” villages out of hundreds of villages in the jungle, and in our American mindset reached means they have a church and have the gospel and are living it out daily. Wrong- sure this community has a “church” building with 4 poles and a roof, and sure, it has a pastor who is willing to serve, but they only meet when Leo our missionary comes to visit. And they only have about 15 people attend and they do not have a Bible/know the Bible and they do not know King Jesus. In these communities there are a lot of sicknesses, and they don't know King Jesus so they turn to witch doctors and spirits to help them. This community os one of the hundreds who are lost and literally have no way of hearing about a loving God unless we tell them. We left at the end of the week seeing little progress but seeing hope with a plan to return in the spring and start discipleship programs for the youth of Sinchi Rocha to teach truth about the One True God who created them. It was really hard for me to leave these little faces that I had fallen in love with throughout the week knowing that they did not yet know Jesus Christ, but my purpose had not been to watch them grow in mature faith- but it was to simply plant a seed. TY! CS

Week 1 in peru

07/20/2013 16:12


Adjusting to the dusty City.

July 20-27

The Weist Family.

I arrived in Pucallpa on sunday afternoon to a happy family waiting with open arms. Tom and Janet have been serving in Peru with Pioneers for over 10 years. They lived in the mountains with a tribe for about 6 years and are now helping first time/short term missionaries get acclimated and connected with different tribes. They have 3 sons (Ryan is a freshman at CIU in SC, Andrew is a senior in highschool, Toby is a sophomore in high school, and sweet Ashley is about 13) The kids attend a missionary school. (They need more teachers if you are interested in coming to Peru for a year to work with missionary children!) This family truly made me feel at home and helped me adapt quickly. I will be working more with this family as I pursue future trips into the jungle. Truly a God send.


The Motor Bike.

While in Pucallpa for a week, I was able to experience much of the Peruvian culture in live action. We saw fruit stands, markets, bootleg videos, the grand opening of the first ever movie theatre, frappacinos, famous empanadas and fruit smoothies. I was able to attend a vbs for missionary kids, ride in the back of a truck, ride on a motocaro, swim “with” parana & dolphins, and ride a dirt bike. The roads are bumpy, the traffic is crazy, the sun is Needless to say, this is a great place to be a missionary. :) Each day we pass many catholic schools and churches Seeing so many lost and having no way to reach King Jesus. Can not tell them.


The village People.

About 25 minutes outside of the “city” of Pucallpa, there is a group of missionaries who work with a program called "Kids Alive”. Each day children from the surrounding villages come to receive love and Each day is full of new events. Monday- we help them shower/cut there hair/paint their nails (hygiene things since they do not have indoor plumbing but share a well for water needs.) Tuesday we focus on school.(helping them write,spell, read, math...) Wednesday is for awana. (we study scripture, play games, and have a Bible lesson) This will be my new life January-June, living in an apartment on the missions property loving on these precious children.

july 2013

07/13/2013 09:21

Jesus to the Jungle- Amazon Net Team

Departure Date -July 20th, 2013


What a month of emotions- I was behind financially, and thought it would be months before I would get to go overseas, then the very next week I was able purchase a ticket to Peru. God is FAITHFUL. I went from tears of stress and not understanding. to tears of joy and overwhelming thanks to our Father. When all seemed to be falling in financially- He came through and provided in His perfect timing.

I've been communicating with my teammate Catherine who is already at the school in Arequipa. She says it is freezing and asked me to bring her a jacket and boots. (true sacrificial living- leaving summer to enter winter)July is their middle of Winter and we have many more cold months to come, but Up in Pucallpa where the rest of my team is stationed, the temperature is thick and muggy with over 100 degrees. This has been difficult for packing into a small 50 lb bag :) cold hot cold hot. Packing both Jackets and flipflops...All adds to this new adventure.


My Peru Schedule:

July 20 fly from Atlanta to Miami then miami to Lima. It is about an 11 hour trip.

July21 take my third flight from Lima to Pucallpa where my team is set up.

July 22-27 I will be getting acquainted with the village where my team has been doing ministry for the past 6 years.

July 29th we will take a 5 hr boat ride on the amazon river into the jungle to build a house for a new missionary family. :) :) :)

August 3rd flying south about 8 hours to Arequipa. Move in with my Peruvian host home.

August 5th Spanish school begins


Keep In Touch: When I am in Peru, I will have internet regularly. and I want to hear from you my American Family!! I will be updating my site regularly with pictures and stories of God's work in the city as well as in the villages and jungles. I would love to hear from you!!!!

email me.

check the site.

Please Check on my parents regularly. I know they will need some extra love while i'm away. AGH. I can not express my emotion- excited, anxious, sweet sorrow, relief, stress … and so much appreciation! I am following my 8 yr old dream because you are monthly providing. You are praying. You have given me such a hope and such encouragement. Thank you for believing in me. If I do not get to hug you before I leave the states, know that I pray for you by name and am truly overwhelmed by your love and support. Dreams do come true- let it start with me. Jehovah Jireh. My provider.


“No greater love than this Serving the unreached,

That he lay down his life for Crystal M. Snow

a friend.” John 15:13 Isaiah 61:1


june 2013

07/13/2013 09:19

Hello. My name is crystal snow and I am a full time missionary to the amazon jungle in Peru. This is more than an occupation for me, it is truly an answer to 16 years of praying and is a dream come true.


When I was 8 years old, I was fascinated with the adventures that missionaries took share the good news with the unreached people groups around the world. I dedicated my life to full time missions to a spanish speaking country. In high school, I went on 9 trips overseas- 6 times to the Dominican Republic, twice to Guatemala, and 1 time to Haiti. On each of these trips, I felt like I was finally where I belonged. I was finally doing what God had created me to do. In college I studied elementary education to better teach/ help overseas. I worked at Word of Life Bible college and summer camp to better get a feeling for full time ministry and discipleship of youth. It was there that I hard about an organization called Pioneers. They are a missions organization in Orlando, Florida. I quickly fell in love with their tactic to reach te unreached people groups and began my journey with them. I became a full time missionary march 2012. Since then I have been raising monthly support to stay in Peru to work with our “Amazon Net Team”. The amazon net team is a new team of about 12 people who will take trips into the jungle to church plant and do childrens ministry teaching the people to read and write God's word in their own language.


To stay in Peru I will need about $2,600 a month. It sounds like an outrageous amount, it is a financial schedule set up by the missionaries who have lived there the past 10 years and all of it goes straight to bills/housing/food/school/transportation. (each flight to and from the jungle is about $800)

I am scheduled to fly out July 27th, 2013, but I can not go until I have 100% of my monthly support. I am currently still in need of about $400 to $500 each month. I know that God will provide. I know that He has truly opened every door this far and I am confident He has a plan. (few examples of God providing- I needed $400 to attend a Pioneers week of seminars and training. I dint ask anyone for money. I wanted to know it was truly from the Lord. In 2 weeks He sent me over $700 specifically for missions from people who knew I had the desire to serve full time. Another example- I needed about $630 for a trip to Pensylvania for a week of church planting training- God again provided above and beyond. Flight,food, transportation were all covered)

My schedule in Peru. I will fly into Lima. Spend a few days meeting my team members in Pucallpa then fly south to Arequipa where I will be in school studying spanish/ living with a Peruvian family (like a foreign exchange program) for the next 6 months. After school, I will head back up north to join my team and will begin our ministry in the villages and tribes nearby as we train for life in the jungle.


I wish you could hear the enthusiasm in my voice. Each step has been such an overwhelming feeling as I am finally able to fulfill these desires King Jesus gave me as a little girl. Everything has been exciting- shots, paperwork, studying... I know it will be a hard transition as I am away for the next 2 years, but I am beyond excited.


Pioneers is woderful check out their site.


I'm not much of a blogger, but i'm learning. :)

Thank you so much for praying bout this ministry. For considering supporting me for the next 2 years. God is so good and has such a plan. He is already at work with my team saving lives in Pucallpa, Peru. I can not wait to join them.


Thank you! Thank you!

Sincerely, crystal Snow




first jungle trip

07/03/2013 00:00

Living on the River

July29-Aug 3, 2013

THE JOURNEY. Our day began at 4:15AM. we jumped out of bed excited for our jungle adventures yet little did we know that the lesson for today was about waiting on the Lord. Our taxis were an hour late. Once they arrived, we drove down curvy roads for an hour and a half. Finally we got to a little village on the river,but the boats that we had arranged to take us to sinchi rocha (our destination village) were no where to be found... so we sat and waited. And waited. And waited. After about 2 hours, We concluded that the boats would not come for a while, so we decided to have some fun :). We swam in the river, we had a picnic lunch, we went on a hike, and I napped in a hammock. Still with no sign of the boats and dinner quickly approaching, the missionary wives (Janet and Nichole) and I walked into a near by town to buy dinner. Finally, around 540pm the boats arrived. Twelve of us carefully put our luggage and bags onto 2 tiny canoe boats called “pecki-pecki” placing all of our trust in this native stranger steering from the back with a tiny boat motor. We rode for about 2 and a half hours (only having to get out and help push a few times since we got stuck the shallow water). Around 845PM in the pitch black we heard the boat motor cut off and we knew that we had finally arrived to Sinchi Rocha.

KIDS GAMES. Each morning (after our 6AM wake up song from Leo, our missionary leader) we would eat granola with milk, and the men would head off to the jungles to carry large logs for our house building project. We females did not carry logs or build, instead we did help clear limbs and branches from cutting projects. We spent most of our day keeping the fire going, making lunch and dinner, washing dishes, visiting sick women in the village, doing laundry in the river, and playing with the children. After lunch, we would wash off in the river, and begin our “kids games”. We had a Bible stories( the 7 days of creation and Jesus calming the seas), memory verses (starting the foundation of who God is), songs with motions in spanish, games (tag, soccer, hula- hooping,volleyball, catch) and snacks(cookies and soda).

THE CHILDREN. These village children were by far my favorite aspect of the trip- one I will never forget. They would arrive at our house around 7AM and would stay until dark. If we went to the river, they went to the river. When we went on a walk to take water to the hard working guys, they went on a walk to see the hard working guys. At first they walked behind us watching our every move, but by the end of day our smiles and consistent “holas” showed them that we were friendly strangers.

I made many friends and forgot many names. But one thing is for sure, I will never forget their little faces the he way my heart melted when they smiled at me... it was the same warm feeling you get when you get your whole family together at Christmas or when your pulling into your neighborhood from a long trip... the feeling of knowing that your whole life has been leading up to his point and all those trials and struggles you faced were to help you get right here to these kids.

THE CHURCH. Sinchi Rocha is one of the only “reached” villages out of hundreds of villages in the jungle, and in our American mindset reached means they have a church and have the gospel and are living it out daily. Wrong- sure this community has a “church” building with 4 poles and a roof, and sure, it has a pastor who is willing to serve, but they only meet when Leo our missionary comes to visit. And they only have about 15 people attend and they do not have a Bible/know the Bible and they do not know King Jesus. In these communities there are a lot of sicknesses, and they don't know King Jesus so they turn to witch doctors and spirits to help them. This community os one of the hundreds who are lost and literally have no way of hearing about a loving God unless we tell them. We left at the end of the week seeing little progress but seeing hope with a plan to return in the spring and start discipleship programs for the youth of Sinchi Rocha to teach truth about the One True God who created them. It was really hard for me to leave these little faces that I had fallen in love with throughout the week knowing that they did not yet know Jesus Christ, but my purpose had not been to watch them grow in mature faith- but it was to simply plant a seed. TY! CS

may update :)

05/20/2013 01:03

Jesus to the Jungle


Crystal Snow. May 2013

This time last year, my goal was to leave for Peru in January 2013. I had no desire to stay in the states and minister- I was focused on getting to the field. One thing that i've noticed about myself these past few years is that I am often too focused on the end goal and I forget to truly “live”each day on the steps to get the “big picture” at the end of my life. If I live for the end result of 'one day being a missionary then I would have missed out on all of the adventures the Lord knew that I needed to take to enhance my strengths and prepare me for the field.

January- I began working heavily in our youth group. We just lost another youth pastor and the instability of a pastor figure was taking a tole. It was becoming more difficult for the teens to get involved and to feel loved with anew leader in and out each few months. I saw the need and I jumped right in. we began planning lock ins, cookouts, bonfires... we began to better disciple and grow a family in our little building. If my plans had come true of leaving in january then I would have missed this sweet time.

February- Since I cam home, I have been a nanny to twin 9 yr. old boys. I've been their babysitter since I was a freshman in high school so it is a special friendship. It is not just a job- it is family. We do homework, we go to sports games/practices, we take trips to the park and go out to eat... these boys have taught me so much! We have learned to be patient, to not lash out in anger, we are learning to respect each other, we are learning that we MUST take each day as our last living with no regrets. If I left in January, I would have missed these little men growing up.

March- We have an incredible class of people of all ages with disabilities in our church and on sundays I get to be a part of making their week a little bit better by listening to their jokes, sharing snacks with them and simply hugging on them for a few hours. In March, we were able to have a huge prom for them where they walked down a red carpet and danced the night away. JOY PROM is a special time where they feel “normal”. No one treats them differently, but shows them the love of King Jesus by making them feel like the most important person in the world. These friends have changed my life.

April- Last month, I was able to attend my last week of training for Peru. We took many personality tests and learned deeper about our personal strengths and weaknesses. This was an incredible time of growth for me. I got to sit down with a life coach and discuss my fears, the worries I face about Peru about leaving about not being enough. I learned how I am best created to serve in God's Kingdom and how I will be able to use those gifts on my team in the ministry wherever I am. I am learning to be vulnerable and how important it is to work together for God's Kingdom. “You can only go so far alone, but with a team you will not fail.”

May- My parents are Wonderful. In May, they threw me the best surprise birthday party with snacks, presents, cake and most importantly- sweet friends and family. I am now 24 and as I look back, I see that each moment of each day, has been a vital step of my journey. My life is not about “being a missionary”, but it is about becoming more like King Jesus. If I skim through the steps and focus on the future, then I would miss out on why I am the way I am. God knew that I needed to stay in the states for a few months longer He knew that more growth was needed in my life to make a change in the lives of the sweet people in Peru. His plans are so much better than ours and His thoughts so much higher. He saw who I was and He saw who I still needed to become. He knew.

I wanted to say THANK YOU!!! for all of your support and prayers. God is faithful. Currently we are getting some “kinks” worked our with my insurance and the conclusion is that I am now about $600 short a month. The date of Departure is still JulY 27th. The school is expecting me August 5th. I have such a peace that God will provide. I enclosed a few extra cards for you to yes put on the fridge for prayer, but also to pass out to your friends, co-workers, churches who might be able to help reach the $600 that we are lacking. The people of Peru will hear the Good news, but until I am there- I am here basking in the light of the King and sharing His truth with people in NC.


I have been communicating with my team in Peru and I am beyond excited to serve in the villages and in the unreached tribes. They have been such an encouragement with raising support and with raising a team of prayer warriors who genuinely care about people hearing bout the saving grace of King Jesus. I can not express what it feels like to have my wildest dreams unfold before my eyes. God is so good to His children. From the bottom of my heart- THANK YOU for standing beside me on this journey. Truly encouraged, crystal Snow Isaiah61:1

May update

05/13/2013 11:12

July 27th is three months away

May 2013


With much excitement, I write telling you how the LORD is continuing to show me that PERU is His next step for my life. With each door that closes, the Lord has opened 2 more. He has provided financially, medically, educationally and I am truly overwhelmed by His goodness.

Three weeks ago, I was able to get the last of my shots

and stock up on inhalers for my asthma. I was finally able to

get updated contacts (in bulk) and an updated pair of glasses.

    Last month, I was in Orlando at our PIONEERS campus

attending my last week of training and seminars with about 20

other missionaries headed all over the world. In preparation

for the week, we had to take different personality tests and at the conference we were able to discuss them with our Pioneers “life coach.”i am learning more about my teams personal strengths and weaknesses that we will be working with on the mission field. I also learned more about the difficulties and dangers of moving overseas as a single female. I heard stories from missionaries who literally gave up everything to stay on the field. Their journeys were not easy and they lost much, but people were rescued from eternal life without King Jesus. The Lord remained faithful, and He used each dark day to bring people to Himself.

    It is finally here! I have 3 months left in the United States before my spanish journey begins. I have 3 months to be a nanny and to be involved with my home church. have 3 months to pack up my earthly possessions in boxes. have 3 months to raise $500 more a month. So much to do in such a small amount of time. :)

    Please join with me in prayer as the Lord impresses on hearts to give monthly. Feel free to pass out these cards to anyone who might be able to help. Without the $500 more for insurance/ emergency evacuation I will not be able to go. God will provide. THANK YOU. For your support and encouragement when I needed you most. “The Lord God has put his Spirit in me, because the Lord has appointed me to tell the good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort those whose hearts are broken, to tell the captives they are free, and to tell the prisoners they are released.”Isaiah 61:1


Crystal Marie Snow

John 3:30

December news letter

01/02/2013 23:45

Jesus To the Jungle

Crystal Snow December 2012


Merry Christmas from Concord, North Carolina!!

Words can not express to you how much I enjoyed this holiday season... it was a surreal time of fellowship with my family and friends knowing that it might be my last one in the United Stated for a long while.I spent much time sitting and listening to the those that I love and soaking up their voices as I might not hear them for a while. I am truly blessed.


THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS: Two weeks ago, my papaw was found on the floor unable to walk/communicate. After being rushed to the ER turns out he simply had a “virus” and needed to rest/eat/ and drink more fluids. It was difficult and painful seeing the shape of my grandpa but knowing that he did not know who I was- I was worried that he would pass before I got to tell him that I loved him. The Lord knew that I needed my papaw a little bit longer. My cousins and I spent a few nights with my grandparents taking care of papaw and mamaw who developed a cold/flu at the same time. Though it was hard seeing my grandpa in that shape, it was an incredible blessing to spend that quality time with my cousins and a huge reminder that once I go to Peru I may never see the ones that I love again.


CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS: The closer it gets to my departure date, the more I realize that I am in need of no “worldly possessions”, but the Lord continues to blow my mind with His blessings for my life. For Christmas my parents got me a new, indestructible camera for Peru. It is water proof(16 ft) along with drop/snow/dust proof!! I am beyond excited to take pictures of those sweet faces waiting to hear the gospel in the mountains of Peru. Also, my computer has been sick and I was how I would be able to communicate once I got to Peru. I started to pray, but continued to tell myself, “if Amy Carmichael could do without a computer than so can I!” To my surprise, right before Christmas, a wonderful family in our church handed me a check for a new computer! It was the exact amount I needed.I was in every way overwhelmed by their generosity and by the Lord's love for me.


SUPPORT: I am still at about 50% of my monthly needed financial support for Peru with only 40% to go! I have had a few new families join recently, and that has been so encouraging! and I can not wait to watch the Lord provide in His perfect timing. Thank you to those who have been with me since the beginning- I am overwhelmed. Thank you for those who have just begun the supporting process- Thank you for believing in the work that the Lord is already starting the the Amazon Jungle. Thank you for your many prayers and for your words of encouragement. I am beyond excited about what the Lord has planned on this new adventure and how He will truly provide. I am praying for you each by name regularly and cannot wait to hug you in glory.

Sincerely, Crystal Snow


“I will provide for their needs before they ask, and I will

help them while they are still asking for help.” Is. 65:24

Heart for missions

11/27/2012 10:59

As a freckle faced, 8 year old, little girl all I wanted to do was wear pig tales and be a missionary to a spanish speaking country. Now, 15 years later, I am twenty-three and on my way to live in the jungles of Peru as a full time missionary. This journey has been difficult and long. It has not at all been what I expected, but it is exactly what the Lord knew that I needed. For a few years, I gave up on my deam to be a missionary- I did not see the Lord opening up a  door and so I assumed that He wouldn't. Shame on me for giving up. :) During those years of having no idea what God wanted me to do, I worked at a small Bible college in Florida and gained a love for students in America. The Lord gave me a passion to serve in the youth group and to disciple young women. I was torn- my heart wanted to serve on the mission field, but the Lord did not have me on the mission field- He had me in Hudson, Florida. Did the Lord want me to stay in America and work a normal stay and work in youth group? These ideas were foreign to me- I'd never wanted to stay and live a "normal" life.  Had the Lord changed my plans again? I felt so lost and confused, yet in a state of contentment at the same time knowing that the Lord would provide an answer. Sure enough- the Lord brought a dear friend Hilary into my life. She told me about her journey with a missions organization. She told me about how she had to chose between 2 goods and she knew that if she did not choose missions she would be living in disobedience. Sweet Hilary had no idea that these were the exact answers that I had been searching for. I battled with what to do for a few weeks, then finally couldn't sleep at night- I knew that if I did not apply to be a full time missionary that I was truly living in disobedience. Over seas missions is a huge part of who I am and the passions that God has instilled inside of me. Needless to say I applied and a few months later signed the contract.  Now as I have joined on full tme with PIONEERS I see how the Lord is still preparing me for His work that will be done in Peru. I know not what is ahead- but I know that God will provide. And I know that no matter what I face, the Lord will never give up on me.

"A good thing can become a bad thing if it is not God's best thing."