Christmas apple

12/31/2012 13:00

My computer has been sick and i did not know how i would be able to communicate with my family when i move to Peru. i tried to save money but bills and "life" continued to get in the way... the conclusion i came to was, "well amy carmichael didnt need a computer so i dont need one either." God seeing the bigger picture had a bigger plan in mind. a few weeks later a sweet family from church handed me a check for the exact amount i needed for a computer. {a small, light weight lap top good fro traveling} i was completely overwhelmed and brought to tears at their generosity. Now i will be ale to blog/journal/post pictures about the work that the Lord is already doing on this journal to the jungle.

I will provide for their needs before they ask, and I will help them while they are still asking for help. Isaiah 65:24

Jehovah Jireh