may update :)

05/20/2013 01:03

Jesus to the Jungle


Crystal Snow. May 2013

This time last year, my goal was to leave for Peru in January 2013. I had no desire to stay in the states and minister- I was focused on getting to the field. One thing that i've noticed about myself these past few years is that I am often too focused on the end goal and I forget to truly “live”each day on the steps to get the “big picture” at the end of my life. If I live for the end result of 'one day being a missionary then I would have missed out on all of the adventures the Lord knew that I needed to take to enhance my strengths and prepare me for the field.

January- I began working heavily in our youth group. We just lost another youth pastor and the instability of a pastor figure was taking a tole. It was becoming more difficult for the teens to get involved and to feel loved with anew leader in and out each few months. I saw the need and I jumped right in. we began planning lock ins, cookouts, bonfires... we began to better disciple and grow a family in our little building. If my plans had come true of leaving in january then I would have missed this sweet time.

February- Since I cam home, I have been a nanny to twin 9 yr. old boys. I've been their babysitter since I was a freshman in high school so it is a special friendship. It is not just a job- it is family. We do homework, we go to sports games/practices, we take trips to the park and go out to eat... these boys have taught me so much! We have learned to be patient, to not lash out in anger, we are learning to respect each other, we are learning that we MUST take each day as our last living with no regrets. If I left in January, I would have missed these little men growing up.

March- We have an incredible class of people of all ages with disabilities in our church and on sundays I get to be a part of making their week a little bit better by listening to their jokes, sharing snacks with them and simply hugging on them for a few hours. In March, we were able to have a huge prom for them where they walked down a red carpet and danced the night away. JOY PROM is a special time where they feel “normal”. No one treats them differently, but shows them the love of King Jesus by making them feel like the most important person in the world. These friends have changed my life.

April- Last month, I was able to attend my last week of training for Peru. We took many personality tests and learned deeper about our personal strengths and weaknesses. This was an incredible time of growth for me. I got to sit down with a life coach and discuss my fears, the worries I face about Peru about leaving about not being enough. I learned how I am best created to serve in God's Kingdom and how I will be able to use those gifts on my team in the ministry wherever I am. I am learning to be vulnerable and how important it is to work together for God's Kingdom. “You can only go so far alone, but with a team you will not fail.”

May- My parents are Wonderful. In May, they threw me the best surprise birthday party with snacks, presents, cake and most importantly- sweet friends and family. I am now 24 and as I look back, I see that each moment of each day, has been a vital step of my journey. My life is not about “being a missionary”, but it is about becoming more like King Jesus. If I skim through the steps and focus on the future, then I would miss out on why I am the way I am. God knew that I needed to stay in the states for a few months longer He knew that more growth was needed in my life to make a change in the lives of the sweet people in Peru. His plans are so much better than ours and His thoughts so much higher. He saw who I was and He saw who I still needed to become. He knew.

I wanted to say THANK YOU!!! for all of your support and prayers. God is faithful. Currently we are getting some “kinks” worked our with my insurance and the conclusion is that I am now about $600 short a month. The date of Departure is still JulY 27th. The school is expecting me August 5th. I have such a peace that God will provide. I enclosed a few extra cards for you to yes put on the fridge for prayer, but also to pass out to your friends, co-workers, churches who might be able to help reach the $600 that we are lacking. The people of Peru will hear the Good news, but until I am there- I am here basking in the light of the King and sharing His truth with people in NC.


I have been communicating with my team in Peru and I am beyond excited to serve in the villages and in the unreached tribes. They have been such an encouragement with raising support and with raising a team of prayer warriors who genuinely care about people hearing bout the saving grace of King Jesus. I can not express what it feels like to have my wildest dreams unfold before my eyes. God is so good to His children. From the bottom of my heart- THANK YOU for standing beside me on this journey. Truly encouraged, crystal Snow Isaiah61:1