Week 1 in peru

07/20/2013 16:12


Adjusting to the dusty City.

July 20-27

The Weist Family.

I arrived in Pucallpa on sunday afternoon to a happy family waiting with open arms. Tom and Janet have been serving in Peru with Pioneers for over 10 years. They lived in the mountains with a tribe for about 6 years and are now helping first time/short term missionaries get acclimated and connected with different tribes. They have 3 sons (Ryan is a freshman at CIU in SC, Andrew is a senior in highschool, Toby is a sophomore in high school, and sweet Ashley is about 13) The kids attend a missionary school. (They need more teachers if you are interested in coming to Peru for a year to work with missionary children!) This family truly made me feel at home and helped me adapt quickly. I will be working more with this family as I pursue future trips into the jungle. Truly a God send.


The Motor Bike.

While in Pucallpa for a week, I was able to experience much of the Peruvian culture in live action. We saw fruit stands, markets, bootleg videos, the grand opening of the first ever movie theatre, frappacinos, famous empanadas and fruit smoothies. I was able to attend a vbs for missionary kids, ride in the back of a truck, ride on a motocaro, swim “with” parana & dolphins, and ride a dirt bike. The roads are bumpy, the traffic is crazy, the sun is Needless to say, this is a great place to be a missionary. :) Each day we pass many catholic schools and churches Seeing so many lost and having no way to reach King Jesus. Can not tell them.


The village People.

About 25 minutes outside of the “city” of Pucallpa, there is a group of missionaries who work with a program called "Kids Alive”. Each day children from the surrounding villages come to receive love and Each day is full of new events. Monday- we help them shower/cut there hair/paint their nails (hygiene things since they do not have indoor plumbing but share a well for water needs.) Tuesday we focus on school.(helping them write,spell, read, math...) Wednesday is for awana. (we study scripture, play games, and have a Bible lesson) This will be my new life January-June, living in an apartment on the missions property loving on these precious children.